
Dr. Seth C. Kadish

Thank you for participating in Psi Chi’s Annual Career Forum. Your presentation was as useful to our students as it was fascinating and good-humored.

Psi Chi - The National Honor Society In Psychology


I am an accomplished speaker and teacher, who specializes in lectures, seminars, and keynote speeches on the topic of Patterns. In addition, I have lectured and taught Facilitating Compelling Groups for psychologists, social workers and other clinicians. Please contact me for further information on content and pricing.

It is a rarity in our current Hollywood to have an opportunity to enjoy the presence of such a giving individual. Your time spent with the members of The Actors’ Network was highly effective, well-received, extremely helpful, and deeply appreciated. If you would ever like to speak again just give us a jingle.

The Actors Network

Thank you for an extraordinary, interesting, informative as well as educational program. Your presentation introduced us to a field we know very little about, prison life and the workings of the criminal mind. It was indeed fascinating.

Greater San Fernando Valley Business And Professional Women

Purple Shawl

I often notice a middle-aged woman wrapped in a purple shawl strolling around the block near my office in a slow and stately fashion, little expression on her face, sometimes smoking a cigarette. It would be easy for me to say hi to her, though I don’t know that I’d...

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When I was a kid growing up in 1960s and 1970s Brooklyn, our family cars were cheap American clunkers that barely got us where we were going. We didn’t have much money, but even if we did, we probably wouldn’t have spent it on a good car. Cars went through the mill in...

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How We Speak

In my Patterns work, I notice varying speech styles in the group room. Some participants tend to be quiet while others are excessively verbal. Some group members interrupt peers while others blurt out thoughts that may range from meaningful to aggressive to downright...

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Revenge Is Mine

Revenge is mine Retaliation, an instinct as old as human history, is a popular cultural motif that never seems to go out of style. The theme of revenge can be found in ancient literature and the writing of Shakespeare (remember a little play called “Hamlet”?) as well...

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No Compliments, Please

No compliments, please Singer-songwriter James Taylor once said, “I can take criticisms, but not compliments.” How sad, how true … and how widespread. You would think that most people would love to hear compliments but many find them uncomfortable and tend to reject...

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To Change Or Not To Change

To change or not to change I recently re-read “The Naked Ape,” a 1967 best-seller by Desmond Morris, former curator of mammals at the London Zoo.  The book, which has sold over 10 million copies worldwide to date, was eye-opening for me, particularly the concept of...

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I learned a long time ago you can’t take away someone else’s guilt. As a clinical psychologist, I’d often see clients try to do this for other clients, to no avail.  In fact, the person whose guilt they were trying to alleviate frequently became angry at their...

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Band Names

When I was a kid, rock group names were a relatively new phenomenon.  The bands, comprised of hairy, stoned young guys, had names that were simplistic (the Beatles, Stones, Byrds, Animals), moronic (Moby Grape, Jefferson...

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I can honestly say that your presentation was one of the most entertaining and informative to date. What came across most clearly to me and to all the interns with whom I spoke was the humanity you brought to your work in what is obviously a very challenging situation. It is this same humanity – along with your warm sense of humor – that was so evident in your presentation as well.

California Graduate Institute Counseling Center

I just wanted to write you to let you know how much my students liked you. I got feedback the following week and they just loved you. You are a great presenter!

Pepperdine University

I have seldom seen this group of seniors as engaged and involved in a discussion such as the one that you conducted. Those who attended have described your presentation as “excellent”. The residents would love to have you back.

Motion Picture &Television Fund

Your presentation on Forensic Psychology was outstanding, just what our students were looking for. It was excellent, clear and informative and really helped them broaden their knowledge and understand the issues related to this field.

University of Judaism